Cicsa Desktop


Coto Cicsa


Product design



Cicsa Desktop

Coto Ciscsa E-commerce

As a product designer, my role was to redesign our existing the website, the design aimed to be simple and clean, focusing on optimizing processes like checkout and ensuring a seamless and user-friendly experience that prominently showcased the products.


To kickstart the redesign of Coto CICSA's e-commerce website, I began on a journey of research and exploration.

I delved deep into the world of online supermarkets, analyzing industry trends, and benchmarking against competitors. This research phase allowed me to gather valuable insights into user preferences, industry standards, and emerging best practices in e-commerce.

With a solid foundation of knowledge, I shifted my focus to understanding the specific needs and expectations of Coto's target audience.

Through user interviews, surveys, and usability tests, I engaged directly with customers to gain firsthand insights into their online shopping experiences. This user-centric approach enabled me to identify pain points, understand user behavior patterns, and tailor the redesign to meet their unique requirements.

Research findings

After examining Cotos website I discovered issues that affected user satisfaction. One significant problem was the rate at which users abandoned their shopping carts mainly because the checkout process was complicated and time consuming discouraging them from completing their purchases. Additionally the websites inability to personalize product suggestions based on preferences resulted in missed opportunities, for both cross selling and upselling well as establishing stronger connections with customers.

Users also faced a browsing experience due to design, varying layouts and discrepancies in the user interface across different sections of the site. This issue was even worse when accessing the site on devices since it wasn't optimized properly leading to difficulties in accessibility and navigation.

Furthermore the limited search functionality of the platform made it challenging for users to find products or explore related items effectively. These observations serve as a basis, for improvements that will guide the redesign of this e commerce website to better meet user preferences enhance their experience and ultimately improve business performance.

Seamless experience

Given the diverse processes involved in an e-commerce platform, such as the checkout process, I focused on simplicity and cleanliness in the design. The interface was designed to guide users through the purchase journey seamlessly, ensuring that the focus remained on the products. The design elements and visual hierarchy were intentionally minimalistic to enhance clarity and create an uncluttered experience.

High-fidelity prototypes

Building upon the wireframes, I progressed to creating high-fidelity prototypes that closely resembled the final visual design. These prototypes brought the user experience to life, enabling stakeholders to envision the interactive elements, navigation flows, and overall aesthetics of the redesigned website.

To validate the design decisions, I conducted extensive user testing sessions. Real customers interacted with the prototypes, providing valuable feedback that guided iterative improvements, fine-tuning the user experience.

Crafting a Seamless E-commerce Design

Collaboration with the development team played a essential role in transforming the design vision into a fully functional website. Through regular communication and a shared understanding, I collaborated closely with the developers, providing them with comprehensive design specifications, assets, and documentation. This collaborative effort ensured the  implementation of the user experience across all devices and platforms.

Throughout the design process, simplicity and cleanliness were the guiding principles that shaped the e-commerce design. With the aim of facilitating easy navigation and an intuitive checkout process, we embraced a minimalistic approach.

By reducing visual clutter, I created a design that allowed the products to take center stage. Careful attention was given to crafting design elements that enhanced clarity and contributed to a seamless shopping experience.

Through collaboration and an emphasis on simplicity, the design team successfully translated the vision into a fully functional e-commerce website. The result was a design that not only showcased the products effectively but also provided a  intuitive and customize shopping experience for users.

E-commerce final thoughts

The redesigned e-commerce website for Coto CICSA generated significant improvements, resulting in a 15% increase in overall sales.
By implementing user-centric design principles and industry best practices, the website experienced a significant reduction in cart abandonment rate, leading to a boost in conversion rates.

The simplified and clean design approach led to a decrease in bounce rate, indicating improved user engagement and a higher likelihood of customers exploring multiple product pages. This, in turn, resulted in a longer average session duration, as users found it easier to navigate the website and discover Coto's wide range of products.

Customer satisfaction and loyalty also saw a significant boost, with a  increase in customer retention rates. The improved user experience and user-centered design principles fostered a sense of trust and reliability, encouraging customers to return for future purchases.

These positive results highlight the impact of the redesigned e-commerce website, demonstrating the value of user-centric design and industry best practices in driving sales, improving customer engagement, and enhancing overall business performance.

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